Editors get all the glory in publishing. Writers track editors' careers, endlessly research their likes and dislikes, gossip about them online, and—if all goes well—eventually dedicate books to them. But an editor is just one of many people who contribute to a book’s success. The others—people like the copy editor, book designer, and public relations pro—are less visible and less understood, but no less important to a book’s life. Or death.


This series of interviews with unsung heroes in publishing is intended to enlighten and entertain, to give a sense not only of the various professions and what they involve, but also of the people who choose to work in these professions.

Still to come: Q&As with a librarian, independent book store owner, book reviewer, and reader. If you’d like to suggest a related profession and a person as a potential interviewee, please contact me. I’ll be posting new ones from time to time.